Nitric Oxide Bioavailability of Angiotensin II; Evaluated by a catheter Type Nitric Oxide Sensor (Published In Japanese)
Imanishi, T; Kobayshi, K; Kuroi, A; Mochizuki, S; Goto, G; Yoshida, K; Akasaka, T
J Jpn Coll Angiol. Sept 2007, 47;397-402
Nitric Oxide Bioavailability of Angiotensin II; Evaluated by a catheter Type Nitric Oxide Sensor (Published In Japanese)
Imanishi, T; Kobayshi, K; Kuroi, A; Mochizuki, S; Goto, G; Yoshida, K; Akasaka, T
J Jpn Coll Angiol. Sept 2007, 47;397-402
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